Reallusion provides all 3 options for Kinect users; a. The OpenNI driver and SDK are provided by PrimeSense, the chip manufacturer of Kinect sensors. Due to it’s original SDK license policy, users can feel free to use it in commercial projects. b. The Microsoft Kinect SDK Beta 2 is provided by Microsoft for application development on Xbox Kinect hardware. Users can get a free SDK download from the Microsoft website. Before the release of the Kinect for Windows version, Reallusion provided this beta version to share the new improvements made by Microsoft. Due to Microsoft's policy, this version is only for testing and does not grant commercial rights to end users. Please take note that this policy comes directly from Microsoft and not Reallusion, and Reallusion will not be responsible for how the end-user decides to use this development SDK. For more information, please refer to the original statement by Microsoft.
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