I’m having the following issue both in Sequence Generator Pro (SGP) and PHD2, using the ASCOM dirver.
I have three ZWO ASI cameras, two in use at any one time, ASI174mm-cool, ASI1600mm-cool, ASI1600mc-cool.
One used for imaging in SGP and one used for guiding in PHD2.
Works fine but if something goes wrong and equipment needs to reconnect both SGP and PHD2 can end up with the wrong camera, either guiding and imaging reversed or both programs trying to use the same camera.
Also when starting up I need to verify that the correct camera is selected in each program.
Lastly, the ASI1600's always default to 8bit, so I have to remember to check the setting each time I connect. In SGP it seems that can only be changed after connecting (to stick)