chad wrote:Hi,
I am confused with your words.
You want to develop it on our SDK or ASCOM?
For our SDK, you can get the supported image type in CameraInfo struct, it is called SupportedVideoFormat. It is an array. Then you can set it by ASISetROIFormat.
For ASCOM, there is no interface to do this. It can only be done by calling our ASCOM settings dialog through the Dialog interface supported by ASCOM.
Hi Chad,
Thanks for the reply. My C# app uses only the Ascom Api to communicate with the camera. It can call the Ascom settings dialog to set the image type, but it doesn't get a return value from that. So it is quite unclear for the app, what kind of image will be returned by subsequent calls of the ImageArray property (8bit or 16bit).
Calling the SDK is not really an option for me, because the app should work for cameras of other manufacturers, too.
The Ascom Video Class has a BitDepth Property. This would be helpful. So maybe I should use an Ascom video driver for my app instead. The Ascom Camera class seems to be quite useless then.