All wifi camera with cardslots would be great...
And perhaps a wifi guiding camera...
At first this looks strange but during guiding, one only needs to download the region of interest with 25x25 pixels around the star or something.... I guess wifi could do that...
Then one could write a smartlphone app that directs the filter wheel and exposure time of the main camera. It would have lifeview for focussing and preparation of the series ( testing whether exposure is ok, testing whether the flats are good...) and then one presses a button and the camera makes a series, moves the filterwheel and saves the shots on card..
Meanwhile, the guiding app always downloads a 25x25 view from the star and connects to the mount via camera over st4 from the camera or from the mobile phone to the mount via bluetooth where it sends commands to (for skywatcher mounts there exist nice bluetooth adapters)... that way one would literally just need a tablet or a mobile phone... and a battery for the cameras and mount... the mount then can be controlled via the existing apps....