Hi, thank you for your answer. If you could check this out it would be nice.
unfortunately, the problem happened again...
Well I only get this problem with the ccd flats aid in astrophotography tool which you can download here for free....
I use windows 7 and the newest ascom drivers for the asi 1600 mono cool
I use the ccd flats aid tool there to create a flats plan for all 8 filters...
Often sometimes, the camera will work for a time but then, say during the h alpha filter, just say it is busy and hang in the process. Clearly there is a hang somewhere and the camera only works again when I disconnect it from apt and restart apt.. This is unfortunate as it takes time to warm the camera up and cool it down again... this still works fortunately..
Some other people have this problem as you can see here
It never appeared to happen during imaging on my pc. But this maybe because deep sky imagng is always longer than 10 seconds. On my pc it only occurs during flats aid, where the application roams through different exposures in order to find the optimal time, or during taking flats which often take very faat exposure times....
settings are usb lowest speed setting. And I use a rather long usb 3 cable... but it should be within the usb3 specs (2 or 3 meters, I guess).