Bin has nothing to do with ADC.
For example, 12 bit ADC, for a pixel, when it is over exposure, it will output 2^12=4096. I think there is no doubt about it. But in computer system, the length of data usually is 8bit, 16bit, 32bit or 64bit. It is not 12bit, so we made a 4bit left move. It means we've magnified the data 16 times. then 4096×16=65536.
Now we have 4 pixels to make bin. Each of them is over exposure. So every one will ouput 4096, it is 12 bit. We have 2 ways to bin.
First, bin them in 12bit, then change the bin result into 16 bit.
Second, change them into 16bit, then bin them.
For method 1: (4096+4096+4096+4096)/4=4096, then move 4 bit left, 4096*16=65536
For method 2: move 4 bit left first: (4096*16 + 4096*16 + 4096*16 + 4096*16)/4 = 65536
For bin, usually, it is sum and multiply, but in some special case, maybe other calculations. But it usually do not affect the ADC.