Object: Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237, 2238, 2239 and 2246; Caldwell 49) in Constellation Monoceros
Distance: ≈ 5200 light years (1600 parsecs); Size: 65 light years. Magnitude: 9.0
Coordinates: RA 06h 33m 45s; Dec +04o 59' 54"
Imaged in Skopje (41o 21' N; 21o 26' E) at November 6th, 10th and 11th, 2018; Bortle 7.1 sky brightness
Telescope: Meade 70 mm quadruplet APO Astrograph (f/5) and Meade LX85 German equatorial mount
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro cooled at -20 oC; Sequence Generator Pro 3.0 software
Filter wheel: ZWO EFW 8x1.25". Narrowband filters: ZWO (7 nm) - SII, Ha and OIII
Guiding: ZWO Off-axis guider; ZWO ASI174MM camera; PhD2 2.6.5 software
Frames: 600 sec each filter: 12 x Ha, 8 x SII, 8 x OIII; total processed exposure time = 280 min
Image processing software: PixInsight 1.8. Palette: SHO (Hubble)
Astrometric analysis: Astrometry.net job 3055991 on November 20, 2018
Imaging and processing: Sasho Panov, 2018
The entire imaging equipment is from ZWO :)