Hi - apologies for the late report - i've been busy with a new role at work.
I managed to try out both the Linux (run on a UDOO x86) and Raspberry Pi versions of this version (run on an Odroid XU4), both under ubuntu mate. I have the same problem with both.
I use an ASI 1600MC Pro for imaging and an ASI 120MM-S for guiding.
With both versions, I get an intermittent error. Initially, the images are fine - then at some point in the evening, I only get the upper left portion of the image contained in the fits file - see the attachment. The rest of the image is set to zero.
The extent is exactly the same as the size of the 120MM-S chip i.e. 1280 by 960.
I have found that version 2.3 does not seem to have this problem on the Pi version. However, on the Linux version, I get a similar but different problem with v 2.3. I use 4x4 binning to plate solve - somehow, despite resetting to 1x1 binning, I get a 4x4 binned image again at the top left of the image. Now the extent is 1164 by 880. The rest of the image is again set to zero.
I plan to go back to the Odroid for now and v 2.3, but would be good to get this fixed in both versions.
Thank you very much,