What it the suitability of using this camera as a permanent All Sky camera please? Using it like this means it is is mounted in a weatherproof enclosure with the camera pointing vertically at the sky 24/7. Here's some pics of the project build https://photos.app.goo.gl/46JPBibTcCAg1g7GA. Insde the case is a Raspberry Pi that generates heat. This stops condensation but the whole thing is exposed to the sun all day and today the camera is running over 50C.
The project is based on Thomas Jacquin's excellent AllSky Camera project http://www.thomasjacquin.com/all-sky-camera/
You can see the view I get here I am still fiddling with orientation and the final mounting so if the view suddenly changes, that's why.
Please let me know if ZWO recommend this type of installation. I am especially worried about high temperature in summer where the sensor will get very hot indeed and about sensor damage due to prolonged sun exposure. I would also like to know if ZWO specifically reccomends a differnt camera as an All Sky device.
Thank you for your help and I look forward to your reply.