Just a question: Is it possible to stack Peltier elements so that one peltier element could cool the one above and so on to get more than Delta 40 temperature difference on the sensor?
For ark frames this would be interesting. Nights are cool and so with a night at 7°C one can easily go to -33 outside... But if one makes a dark library inside the living room at +20°C one can not get to -33 anymore...So if asi cameras could have stacked peltiers and get cooler this may be interesting. Professional astro cameras at eso are at -150...
Hi Benni
I understand, for users they only want deeper cooling, but we need to consider more, like power consumption, heat, price.
yeah, the heath and the power may be a problem....
One can't have a small oven behind an amateur telescope...
Also, it makes no sense if it eats up 10 ampere and more...
If the technology of TEC has a big improvement, maybe cool down to -100degree would be a piece of cake. :)