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Share your wonderful Solar, Lunar, and Planetary images were taken with ZWO Products.
Jupiter 16 march
Animation of Júpiter and Europe wiht ASI178MC
1st Lunar image of the Imbrium basin
Júpiter and Saturn wiht ASI178MC and 200/1000 F5
Jupiter after the learning curv
ASI290MC and FireCapture
Lunar mosaic with ASI 174MM
36 pannel mosaic of the moon
I received my camera and was out that night
Clavius 300p and ASI 290MM
First attempt at the moon
Good seeing on the moon
Strange rows artifacts using Powermates
Mars and Saturn with ZWO ASI178MC and Newton 200/1000
Mars and Saturn with asi224mc + Mak180
Mars using ASI224MC and RC telescope
Jupiter, Mars and saturn 3rd June
Sun Ha May 30, 2016 174MM 1.5x & 2x Barlow
Mars at opposition
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