Could we have unguided dithering in Asiair please, for those of us with high end mounts capable of long exposure unguided imaging, or for those with less sturdy mounts using unguided short exposures with fast scopes for wide field imaging. It could work almost the same as guided dithering does now in the asiair, except instead of checking with the guidecam to see if the dither motion has settled to within the time/distance parameters the user has entered, the user would just enter/specify a new fixed settle time parameter in seconds, the time for the settling to take place after each dither motion, and the asiair would then continue imaging after the dither has been done and that specified settle time has passed. Sequence Generator Pro and several other image capture softwares have unguided dithering that works in that way. I don't think the asiair code would have to change a lot from how it is now, just a new fixed settle time user entered parameter to use as an alternative to the current settling parameters, and have the asiair wait that fixed settle time after a dither movement then continue with the next exposure in the sequence. All the other asiair dithering parameters would still be used as now, such as how far to move on each dither and how often to do a dither etc.
Feel free to contact me on if you want to discuss this further, or might need my assistance to beta test.
Thank you.
Chris M