Hi Sam,
Hi ZWO Team,
Hi all,
I see on the ZWO Facebook that 2 new cameras are "on the fire" a ZWO ASI 485
and a ZWO ASI 482. I don't have Facebook (and I will never use it..) so I post
my own impressions here.
Great and many thanks to the team for all your efforts !!
Now I take a breathe and take a look to the datas.
So, no surprise about ASI 485, this sensor has been integrated by other
manufacturer and the datas are very close. Read Noise with minimum near 0.7 e-,
OK great.
Now the ASI 482... I wait for it for 1 year... And frankly I was expecting
better Read Noise. Near 1 e- at minimum. Here, by extrapolation at Gain = 450/500
the value is near 1.5 e- so higher than I expect. It's not a bad value but not
what I expect. If we compare the Read Noise curve of ASI 482 and ASI 485, the curve
of ASI 482 is nearly exactly 2x the curve of ASI 485. So the logical explanation
is that IMX 482 seems to behave as a simple soft binned 2x2 of IMX 485. No
"magic Quad Effect". Sad but true at first sight.
Please, could it be possible to have a comparison of all curves (Full Well, Gain, DR,
Read Noise) between ASI 482 in bin 1x1 mode and ASI 485 in bin 2x2 mode ?
Now, do you plan a cooled version of one of thoses 2 caméras ??
The best would be an ASI 482 cool as RisingCam now have a cooled camera with IMX 485.
Many thanks for your answers and... pain.