Instead of swapping the camera physically, you can also switch the ASIAIR "Main Camera" to use your guide camera and guide scope to perform the polar alignment.
When you are done with polar alignment, switch your guide camera back as the ASIAIR's "guide camera."
If your guide scope is aligned with your main OTA, you can use the guide scope to do plate solving too.
That way, you won't accidentally move the tripod while physically swapping cameras.
One other thing that you can try, if you have an extra spare OTA. Don't need to be sophisticated -- a second "guide scope" would do. Tell ASIAIR that this other OTA and the ASI224 is your main camera. But don't AutoRun, and instead use your intervalometer. Do your polar alignment and plate solving using this secondary OTA. Think of your DSLR and current OTA as piggy-backing on an ASIAIR based system.