Hello, we can't change the name of the filter wheel. We can only use the existing one. However, we will explain your suggestion to the R & D team
@asiair@zwo#41311 we can't change the name of the filter wheel.
I think the original poster is asking about the name of each filter (in "Filter Settings") and not the name of the EFW.
@a.cidadao#41305 At least is there a way to reverse the existing single-letter filter names to the original filter position-number?
Scroll all the way to the bottom of each drop down menu (i.e., go past R, G, B..., etc) and you will find the original numbers.
w7ay Thank you very much Chen! However I could not return filter name position to the original ones. I tried with two different cell phones.
Thanks again!
@asiair@zwo#41311 Hi, and thanks for the reply, but as Chen as stated it is "filter position name" and not "filter wheel name". One letter per filter name is enough although three (or 4 as in asistudio) would be great. Also I cannot return to the original filter position name (1-5) after I changed its name (e.g. 3 to R).
Best wishes
@asiair@zwo#41311 Hi again, with respect to my original post, in 1.5.1 version I still cannot reset filter position names to 1-5 (a rescue solution due to the fact that it is not possible to ascribe "planetary" filter names in asiair) Thanks!
A. Cidadão
Has this ever been improved to where the filter names are assignable by the user? I have an L-eXtreme, a moon filter, a UV/IR filter, a filter for taking darks.... yet my only choices are l, R, G, B, other.
skipper71 Hi, Custom filter names will be made in the future
@asiair@zwo#44785 is there any progress on this? It's almost 18months later and still not available Thanks Alan
ap1954 On the way, it will be there before the end of this year.
Yes please! Much needed feature!
With Air Pro, I am changing filters manually with a filter slider and HyperStar corrector/reducer and no filter wheel is available.
How can I tell the Air what filter I am using so it appears in the file header for pre-processing?
rsmith65585 How can I tell the Air what filter I am using so it appears in the file header for pre-processing?
Have you tried using AstroImageJ (cross platform Java based program) to edit the FITS header?
If you have a spare ZWO filter wheel, you can fake ASIAIR out by connecting the wheel to your ASIAIR without actually including the wheel in the imaging train, and simply use the wheel as a way "enter" a filter name into the FITS header.
Hi all, is there a way to assign custom names NOW? Any News???
I just started using filters manually, without a filter wheel. I may have found a solution. In the camera settings is an option for customize file name. I put in red when using that filter and change the name every time I change filters. Looking at the image management section of the storage. It will add the filter name to the end of the file name. I haven't actually tried it in the field and I'm not sure how Pixinsight will handle it but hopefully it will work ok.