How have you configured the ASIAIR (box) earlier? Did you configure it to use 1) WiFi Hotspot, 2) WiFi Station Mode, or 3) Ethernet?
In the factory default mode, ASIAIR talks only through its HotSpot (unless you are Ethernet connected). In this mode, your tablet must first be connected to the SSID of the ASIAIR Hotspot. If the tablet cannot find the ASIAIR Hotspot, something is wrong with the ASIAIR, and you might start by resetting the WiFi on the ASIAIR.
If you had earlier changed the ASIAIR to connect in WiFi Station Mode to your home router, then your tablet must first be connected to the home router's SSID.
The best way to connect to the ASIAIR is through the Ethernet RJ-45 LAN connector. Connect the ASIAIR to your router directly. It will not even need the router's password. A piece of Cat6 cable, and your tablet should find ASIAIR through your router's WiFi.
Another way is to connect the ASIAIR through Ethernet to your tablet, but you will need an Ethernet dongle. Again, no password or anything.
In all cases, make sure that you have given the ASIAIR app in your tablet Network permissions. Even if the tablet can connect to ASIAIR box, the ASIAIR app will still not be able to communicate, unless it the app is given Network permissions.