royed What do you suggest for saving the data that we receive?
I am not sure what you mean by that. You save it to where you need to use it, of course. Just don't write to a rotating hard drive. Get a fast SSD.
As for a single measurement, I might need to save more than 500 frames. What do you suggest in such a case?
I would suggest choosing the smallest ROI during capture time. Are you capturing multiple short frames for lucky imaging? If so, you have no choice but to save all frames unless you have some fast rejection algorithm to toss the bad frames.
If it is a color camera, you could deBayer on the fly into a smaller color image. But that won't work if you also plan to drizzle the Bayer array.
With a small ROI, you can probably load the Mac up with more RAM and stage all the data into RAM first. mallocs take very little time :-). I have the liberty for example to do that with my MacPro, but unfortunately I am memory limited with my M1 Mac Mini and M1 MacBook Pro.
If the ROI only takes up a megabyte, you can stage a thousand frames into RAM without worry.
If you are trying to eventually stack many frames, you don't really need that deep an image, either. 8 bits might suffice, since the variance of the quantization noise would half each time you double the number of frames -- i.e., you gain 1 bit of dynamic range for every 4x number of frames (signal jumps by 6.02 dB per doubling of frames, while quantization noise jumps by 3.01 dB; thus the signal to quantization noise improves by 3 dB (3.16x) for each doubling of frames).
In this context, "signal" incorporates both desired starlight and undesired sky background noise. The rule of thumb is that once the sky background is 10 dB higher than the quantization noise, you no longer get significant improvement of SNR by using higher bit resolution -- you are limited by SNR of starlight vs sky background noise. (This is the same set of considerations that you would use when considering A/D converter resolutions for a DSP radio, where you have the radio signal, cosmic background noise and A/D quantization noise).
In short, I don't think you will have any problem staging the frames to RAM first, unless your computer is really starved for RAM.