w7ay By the way, for planets/video, a Bayer camera works almost as well as a monochrome camera. The atmospheric turbulence acts as a Bayer dither/drizzle, and when processed correctly, you do not lose resolution the way you do with DSO imaging.
There are several issues why monochrome camera is important for planetary photography
1) RGB cameras have fixed signal splitting between channels (2 green pixels, one red and one blue). However, the green channel is not always most important for both visual brightness and detalization. Best example of that is Mars, where I would prefer to spend 2-3 time more for red channel than for green/blue.
2) Sharpening the stack image (either by deconvolution or by wavelets), is a one of the key ingredients in planetary photo processing. The meaning of sharpening is to reduce the effects of diffraction and atmosphere turbulence. However, these effects are significantly depend on the wavelength. So, when absorptive filters having heavy "tails" are used to split channels, it makes sharpened image look unnatural, somewhat ugly. Say, under good seeing conditions points spread function (PSF) in green channel is significantly more narrow than in red channel. And if one uses absorptive filters (color camera), than there is significant part of green leaked in red and much red leaked in green. SO, when you sharpen, green details in red will be oversharpened and red details in green would be undersharpened. I think, even 80-100nm transmission width of interference filters is in some cases (in particular, under good seeing) too much and may be I will try something like 30-nm filters upon a chance. But absorptive bayer filters are definetely not good.
3) Of course, planets are brighter than DSO, nevertheless the issue with the noise is not less important for them (except, nay be, Mars in opposition). The reason is that planetary photographers have to use much larger scale of image on the sensor than deep-skyers. And, besides, in most cases we have to use quite aggressive sharpening to reduce the influence of atmospheric turbulence. In my own expereince, only about, say 1-2% of all planetary imaging cases I did not experience the problem of noise. That 1-2% correspond to Mars upon good seeing. For Jupiter, even at very good seeng (8/10) and low noise camera (ASI224), I had to make about 10-15 minutes derotations to overcome noise. So, noise is what planetary photographers have to live with. And, since the transmission of absorptive filters in the whole color band is about 60% (compared to about 90% for interference filters), the same sensor in monochrome version will lead to about 30% better SNR than in color version (same noise, stronger signal). And, as I said, it is important for planetary imaging despite brightness of planets.
4) SInce with absorptive filters channels leak into each other, one has to subtract them back (increase saturation) to get natural picture of the object. During subtraction, the signal is even more reduced and SNR becomes lower.
5) Of course, monochrome camera is necessary when imaging planets where only one band yields any details (Uranus, Venus). But it is a separate issue since one does not need to change filters and use filter wheel.
So, in my opinion, monochrome camera is definetely preferable over color in planetary imaging. In most cases (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn) a filter wheel is also needed to get color picture.