pawanenrique : the easiest way is to use an USB 2.0 cable, do not use the shutter release cable. Switch on DSLR and put it into full Manual mode (M). Select "2s/remote control" in main settings screen. While powering up the AA app, your Nikon should be automatically recognized and ready to use. If not, just select it from the "main camera" drop list. Then, you will be able to set ISO in "camera control panel" and exposure in the preview mode. Add 2s when entering exposure time in the Autorun mode to make sure it will match the DSLR internal command (122'' to get 120''). I always used higher ISO settings and short exposure (6400iso, 10s) for quick not forget to switch back to appropriate ISO before starting your session ;-) With the newer version of AA 2.0, the camera's orientation is shown on the sky chart. Very useful indeed! Hope it helps.