I just received my ASI485MC and have been doing some planetary imaging, and whilst it's working very well, I'm confused by some of its gain behaviour.
First is the fact that there appears to be a big offset built into the camera that I cannot remove. I have offset/brightness set to zero but there is a very big offset at all times such as in this histogram image with offset set to zero.
With very high gain levels there is a strong hue making the background very bright no matter how low I manually set the offset to.
The second issue is the relative sensitivity. The sensor graph accompanying the ad for the 485MC would suggest it has very strong blue sensitivity but I need far more blue gain with this camera than I do with my 462MC. To achieve balance on Jupiter with the 462MC I use Wred 64 and Wblue 85, but with the 485MC I need Wred 60 and Wblue 96.
Please advise, thanks.