glancey3 Centering always fails after multiple attempts.
Could you tell if it is caused by commands not sent to the mount, or if it is caused by failed plate solves?
If it is caused by failed plate solves, you may have to tune the exposure value of the camera. Select the Mount Settings window, and if you want to auto center, turn on the "GoTo Auto-Center" switch. That will also bring up the Exposure duration that is used only during Auto-centering (these times are different from your Preview exposure duration).
I recommend not increasing the exposure time beyond 5 seconds (perhaps not even more than 2 seconds), and instead increase the gain of the camera temporarily when you need to plate solve. Also don't use a narrowband filter, unless you can turn the camera gain way up (about 10 to 20 dB) to compensate for loss of stars.
Long exposures can cause star trailing if autoguiding is turned off (and autoguiding should be turned off before executing a GOTO and autocenter; check that too). That is why increasing gain is better than increasing exposure time.