I recently got an ASI294MC-Pro camera to use with my microscope and have it recognized and taking images in Micro-Manager 2.0 using the version of the plugin. The camera works fine in RGB24 mode and displays greyscale images in RAW8, 12, and 16 modes as well as Y8 mode (which doesn't sound correct...), but in full bit depth RGB48, the live display never loads and acquisitions stall before while acquiring the first image.
I've tried allocating more memory to the program in case it was that (as this seems to be a limitation with ImageJ using resolutions like this), but while I can get full bit depth images through ASI Studio, I'd like to be able to do the same within Micro-Manager so I can use it in conjunction with my microscope's motorized features.
Is there something in configuration that I'm missing, or is there perhaps a bug with the handling of the camera's output modes in the plugin?