@ASIAIR@ZWO#59136 Thanks for the info. In iOS, from which model to which, such as v1 to v2(PRO) or any other ways?
It happens most often when I switch between a first generation ASIAIR (Raspberry Pi 3) and one of my second generation (Raspberry Pi 4) ASIAIR.
The first generation ASIAIR is in my All Sky camera, that I use to look for clouds and impending rain. That is why I switch often to it.
I do not actively use the third generation ASIAIR (the one that is Raspberry Pi Compute Module based).
With the latest ASIAIR TestFlight (Build 48), right after switching, I am now often seeing a hang (permanently stuck in the screen shown below) instead of an outright crash that I used to see before.

To restart from the hang, I now have to quit and eject the iOS app, and then wait for a minute or two before relaunching the ASIAIR app. If I don't wait, the iOS app would again hang immediately on that same window.