
I recently bought an ASIair plus. My mount is working just fine with it but not my DSLR.
I have a CANON EOS 60d, and everytime I try taking a picture on preview mode (whatever the exposure time, even at 0,001), my camera is disconnected with the message "Device changed" and "exposure failed".
I am in Bulb mode, RAW, mirror lock and noise reduction are desactivated. Power saving mode off.

I tried several things :

  • Tried several usb cables
  • Tried different power sources
  • I feel like I tried every possible options on my DLSR. I even tried a shutter release cable but didn't work.
  • I tried connecting it to USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 port
  • I have a new 64Go SD card on the ASIair.

I sent you some logs a few days ago and today.

Can someone help please ?

    Hello again,

    I finally just got it working by... turning off and on my smartphone! After 2 weeks of struggle...
    Well I'm just happy it's working, I would never have thought of that.

      6 days later

      Hello, it's me again.
      Unfortunately, it worked only once and I'm having the exact same issue again... I don't understand where it's coming from.

      I'm sending you logs again today, can you look at them please?

      Have a good day,

        Hicksday Thanks for the log, our devs will debug after your log is sent.

        3 months later

        Was there a solution to this issue? I have the same issue with Exposure Failed using my Canon 800D/T7i after updating to the ASIAir 2.0. I've sent logs but, while I wait for a reply, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this issue.

        Some additional background

        Prior to v2.0 I had no issues with long exposures using my Canon 800D/T7i. Now, any exposure longer than 1 second generates a Exposure Failure. I’ve tried swapping USB 3 ports, using different USB cables, and powered my camera from an external source while turning off all DC outputs from the ASIAir Pro. I have also updated firmware on my Canon to the latest version. None of these measures has resolved this issue. This is preventing not only preview captures but also centering confirmation after GoTo and prevents any type of autorun or plan execution.

        I also have a 120mm used in my guide scope. If I switched to it as my main camera I had no issues with long exposures.

        • w7ay replied to this.

          mark5280 Now, any exposure longer than 1 second generates a Exposure Failure.

          The "1 second" appears to be the clue.

          Many DSLRs and mirrorless cameras will automatically generate their own dark frames for exposures that are longer than, you guessed it, 1 second. I.e., the camera autonomously initiates a second exposure of the same duration with the shutter closed. You can actually hear the shutter if you listen carefully.

          Since dark current noise is very temperature sensitive, these non-cooled cameras need to create a dark frame for every light frame that they shoot, since they cannot be assured that the sensor temperature has remained constant since the previous shot. (I have no idea why they don't include a temperature sensor; they must have a good reason, since that is what I would implement.)

          As a result, a 10 second exposure will take 20 seconds to complete. A 100 second exposure will take 200 seconds to complete, etc.

          There is probably a bug in ASIAIR that did not wait that extra time before the camera is done with an exposure. I.e., it may have set a timeout of 10 seconds for a 10 second exposure, but the camera needs an extra 10 seconds to create the dark frame, correcting the light frame, before returning. And causing ASIAIR to bogusly claim the camera has failed, instead of waiting the entire 20 seconds.

          You can check this out by looking for some menu item in the camera that sounds something like "long exposure Noise Reduction" or "long exposure NR" and turn that function off.

          Even if it now works, you are not yet out of the woods, since you cannot use the usual astrophotography "dark frames calibration" with long exposures as long as temperature is not constant for the entire imaging session (this is why you want to use a cooled camera -- not really to get lower noise, but to get consistent noise that can be calibrated out).

          If turning off long exposure NR works, you can send an email to ZWO pointing the bug out to them, asking them to wait 2T+ instead of T, before declaring that there is an exposure falure.

          Good luck.


          In Nikon there is the NR function that makes a dark for every light
          You can disable it

          @w7ay - thanks for the detailed reply. Unfortunately, I thought I had long exposure NR turned off and just reconfirmed it was off. I went through all settings on the camera to ensure there aren't any other features that might be running that delay a response back to the ASIAir.

          Although I'm a software developer myself, I'm not sure there is a way to downgrade my iOS app back to a pre-2.0 version and also downgrade to the matching firmware on my ASIAir. Pre-2.0, everything was working as expected.

          If there are any other suggestions to try while I wait for a ZWO response to my log, I will welcome the suggestions. Right now, my system is totally down due to this issue.

          Thanks again for your reply!


          • w7ay replied to this.

            mark5280 I'm not sure there is a way to downgrade my iOS app back to a pre-2.0 version and also downgrade to the matching firmware on my ASIAir.

            Hi Mark,

            There is, but you have to be proactive about it.

            There is a macOS application called iMazing that lets you archive each version of an iPadOS/iPhoneOS app over to a Mac. But if you don't already have an archive to restore from, it is too late.

            Incidentally, the ASIAIR app (even TestFlight versions) will run on Apple-silicon Macs. In that case, achiving an old app is easy -- just make a copy of it.

            Anyway, something to keep in mind for the future.


            OK, last restort try ... :-)

            There is a ASIAIR v2.1 Beta out. I don't know if everyone can see it yet. But look at this to see if the version available to you is v2.1:


            Note that (described in the Apple page) that you will first need to dowload TestFlight.app to your iPad.

            If the version that you see when you run TestFlight is v2.1 (I suspect the v2.0 betas have expired anyway), perhaps they have fixed the bug that was introduced in v2.0.

            If you can't fall back to the past, perhaps you can spring forward :-).


            Thanks Chen. I tried this as well before you mentioned it. Unfortunately, still the same behavior 🙁

            Given I'm using Testflight I'll use it to send some feedback on the 2.1 beta in regards to this issue.

            Thanks again!

            2 months later

            Hi Mark, hi all

            i have exactly same issue with Nikon Z6. preview works til 1s, above this, exposure fails consistently. spent a night changing USB ports, trying cable and power. nothing works

            like you, it was working fine with a previous version of software. now i can't get it work.

            did you find a solution ?

            2 years later

            I had many of these same issues with my Canon 6D, all issues were resolved by updating the firmware on the Canon 6d.
            I did everything that I could with cables and power to no avail, simple solution after many hours of frustration.

            a month later

            I'm having the same issue with a Nikon D810. I get exposure failures no matter how I change settings. I'm set to RAW, Single exposure, Bulb, etc. and still exposure failures. My camera's firmware is the latest version and my ASIAir Plus is also fully updated.

            Any suggestions will be welcomed....

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