Yesterday I decided to update my camera and EFW drivers to the newest versions (ASI6200MM and EFW). Big mistake. It broke both camera and EFW functionality.
First, with the most recent drivers (Camera 3.20 and ASCOM 6.5.12) the camera cooler would not work. The power was on, the LED was lit, and the power indicator in SGP was also on, but the temperature read "N/A" and the buttons to control the cooler were grayed out and unavailable. Reverting to an older version of the ASCOM driver fixed this problem.
Second and the much bigger issue, I cannot properly connect the EFW anymore, no matter what version of drivers I use. I have tried the most recent drivers and various older drivers and I always get the same fatal error when trying to connect (see attached).
A friend has told me this is probably an issue with bit-ness, 64bit vs 32bit discrepancy.
How do I fix this?