Hi Chen,
Thank you - as always ;-) - for the deep review of the different mount configurations.
Basically, i.e. electromechanically speaking, I am very happy with my Avalon M-Uno mount with the RPi4-based StarGO2 controller. Although this controller lacks full support for the ASIAIR (no guiding!), it is a very well built mount, relatively light weight for the allowed payload and does not require any meridian flip.
Having said that, I am still looking for that “perfect mount“ that is ultra-portable, while providing full support for all types of interfaces (ASCOM, INDI, INDIGO, native). The NYX-101 is extremely close to all of this. Your review pointed out a few more aspects that I had not been aware of yet! Thanks! Makes the case for the “Goddess of the Night” even stronger! … and my local astro dealer has introduced the full Pegasus product range after Christmas… so tempting.
I am sure ZWO will fix the communication issue with the NYX-101.
I am still waiting, though, for the full support of the StarGO2 … different issues, different thread.