Kevin_A It is the same asiair that keeps telling me that my EAF and main camera have changed and need to be un plugged and plugged back in.
Is it possible that the power for the main camera and for the EAF were applied only after the ASIAIR has booted up?
For example, if you had sourced the power for the camera from the ASIAIR's DC output ports (not a good idea to start with; the camera is central to imaging, and should be given the cleanest power you can muster).
Those ASIAIR DC ports probably are only activated after the ASIAIR has booted up (I don't know for sure, since I refuse to use any of those DC ports).
It is a simple fix of course -- to scan for ports only after activating the DC ports. But that would have required some engineering design review ahead of time by the adults (we used to call them "gray-beards" in the 1970s :-) in the room.