Here is my mount. I picked the highlights slope, which if i did the math right, gave me a max of about .20 arc seconds / sec. I also fed the picture into chat GPT and amged to get .31 as its answer. I'm not sure I trust GPT, but I'm sure I could have picked a less steep slope.
I got the mount secondhand but never used. it came with clouds, but I was able to get it out and get test it, based on some of the info in this thread (I am about 60% of the way through reading this whole thread) I was able to get my guiding to RA of .62 RMS and dec of .37 RMS.
I am using a Orion ST-80 short tube achro refractor as my guide scope, with a Touptek imx290 based camera for guiding. It was always fine for my traditional mounts, but I am not getting 12 guide stars. I have a dinky Svbony 50mm guide scope I could use as well for a wider field, but not sure that would really help.
It is supposed to be clear tonight, so I plan ti image a bit more and mess with guiding. I should mention, that I use a 6' newtonian as my main scope. This mount already seems to guid better than my ancient g11 so I am happy so far.
Anyone have an opinion on my graph from ZWO, or using the smaller guide scope ?
Thanks in advance,