I’m currently struggling with my EDGE H8 (and 0,7 reducer) and celestron OAG. When looping the guide camera I can see a few stars and I can get some proper focus (ASIAR PRO latest firmware). But wen I start calibrating (or guíding) those few stars disapear and I hardly get one or two, even cracking the gain up of the ZWO ASI 174mm to 400, and binning x2, and 3-4 secons exposure. I’ve tried pushing and pulling the OAG prism without success, and I've tried rotating de 174mm. For main camera I have a 294MM pro.
So stars are visible onscreen before the guiding process is started (not so may but a few), that shows the optical system is OK. If the stars disappear after the guiding process is started, ¿can it be some sort of camera control issue? There is nothing that physically changes in the reducer or OAG once the guiding process starts.
What can I do? Any tips?
Thanks in advance