Last evening when I tried to start an Autorun sequence in ASIAIR I got the message "Failed to set the EFW the Autorun stopped".
Earlier that evening I removed my ASI533McPro to clean its sensor lens. As I screwed this back into place I noticed that the filter was a little out of place but other than that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I moved the filter slightly and screwed the camera back into the filter wheel.
Everything seemed to work fine with last nights setup until I attempted to capture the Autorun sequence. That is when I repeatedly got the above message.
Today I looked at this in my house. I could hear an audible hum when I switched filters inside of the filter drop down, but when I get out of the filter tab the filter number always shows up as 1.
Just as in last evening I am getting the message "Failed to set the EFW the Autorun stopped".
I took everything apart but couldn't see any visible issue with the filter drawers.
Please help me to identify the issue so I can get back up and running again.