After stacking from a 1080p video, the result has a ghosted duplicate of the sun. I don't see any options to tweak to eliminate this. Any suggestions?

    Also... are there plans to allow for Drizzle to increase the final resolution/detail? How about flats to eliminate the blotchiness you see in the image above? I am super excited to be able to do this on my Mac... but if this is the limit I will likely need to find another path. Very close here...

    • w7ay replied to this.

      bguthrie I am super excited to be able to do this on my Mac... but if this is the limit I will likely need to find another path.

      For a native macOS planetary stacker, take a look at Lynkeos.

      AutoStakkert!3 has more stacking options (Incluing the Drizzle that you are looking for) and runs without problem on macOS under Wine emulator (Crossover) (someone even has a turnkey WineBottle'ed version of it).

      But Lynkeos has more post processing functions like Wavelet filters. Plus Lynkeos also has decent Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. This is Lynkeos' Richardson-Lucy with a small Gaussian kernel on a single frame from a 50mm etalon, plus some touch up using macOS Preview, taken last week (I was testing the ASI432MM on an FOA-60Q, but I think the IMX533 camera may be better from the viewpoint of plate scales -- the FOA-60Q's focal length is 901 mm):

      This is the image before RL deconvolution and Preview touch up:

      You can of course take AutoStakkert's stacking output and let Lynkeos work on it. For the final step, use either macOS Preview or Affinity Photo to make them presentable (Affinity Photo can manipulate histogram curves, while Preview cannot).


      Thanks @w7ay, those sound like good options. (Great images BTW.) I was specifically commenting in the ASI Studio channel because they have a video stacking option that is very slick/simple, but missing a couple components that I think would make it a great one stop shop for those of us that don't want to spend a lot of time processing. The image I submitted required me to press one button and then go make a coffee... which I love. It was also the first image/video I have ever taken, I am sure I was significantly out of focus, and I didn't touch my pressure tuner or double stacker at all... so hopefully lots of room to grow.

      bguthrie I am super excited to be able to do this on my Mac

      OK, this is using Lynkeos to do everything (with some touchup at the end with macOS Preview).

      I had captured the images using ASIAIR into FITS (600 x 0.02 second exposures with gain=0). 50mm etalon as before. AutoStakkert does not take FITS images, so I jsut used Lynkeos to stack a bunch of FITS that I simply dragged and dropped into Lynkeos (I did tell you that Lynkeos is very Mac centric, right?).

      Passed the aligned and stacked images to Lynkeos' Richardson-Lucy blind deconvolution, and passed that into Lynkeos' Wavelet filters. Finally sharpened the result a smidgen more in macOS Preview, and adjusted the dark and white levels a little.

      The solar disk is a little smaller than 2400 pixels in diameter (901 mm focal length, ASI533MM pixel size) and the above is just a small unscaled 400 x 400 pixel crop.

      I then did a 2-step Richardson-Lucy (reducing blur circle between steps) + Wavelet filter and touch up in macOS Preview, and got this (notice finer structures) for a different region of the Sun:

      Full image can be found here:

      You can play around quite a bit with Lynkeos (nope, cannot do any of this in ZWO's application).

      Image of the instrumentation is in a different thread:


      This is from today, using the same 2-pass Richardson-Lucy and same Wavelet filter. Lynkeos is quite consistent. This time I asked it to pick the best 100 out of 300 frames (0.02 second exposure each), and might have gotten a sharper image.

      Full disk image is here:


      Hi, bguthrie!
      Would you like to share your original avi video file via Google Drive or Dropbox?
      We need them to analyze problems. Thanks!

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