I tried two days ago to check my setup I did not used for many weeks because of very bad sky here, and had many strange behaviour.
The set up: Ap400 goto mount, CP2 control box, latest chipset. WO FLT 98 scope, Asiair pro version 1.7 (I have had to many issues with guiding calibration with further versions, see some posts many monthes ago). Guiding camera ASI 120 mini. Dslr Nikon 5300. New ZWO EAF. I use the asiair app from a samsung S6 or from an Iphone.
Everything is well connected, and no error when sarting the App. I can manage the mount, take a picture, use the EAF for manual focussing..
Then what happens?
Ttrying to shoot preview as a test, I got inconsistant pictures, sometimes looking right, sometines completly white.
Then trying to save the preview (icon at hte right bottom of the screen), I saw that the preview image was not saved either on the USB key attached to the ASIAIR (I had checked the right option) or on the SD card (if no USB key plugged in the ASIAIR), but was saved on the picture galery of my S6 tablet or the picture galery of my Iphone. It happened only once that the picture was saved on the right place.
I discovered that my mount was allways tracking at sideral rate, though the tracking is turned off on the Asiair app (as I did not made a PA or a GOTO, tracking stays "OFF" on the tablet).
I checked the power supply, USB cables, WIFi settings etc etc, and did not saw anything bad. I re installed the soft from scratch on the S6 and on new SD cards, no change.
This is happening using either the S6 tab or the Iphone.
Actually, I didi not find any option in the ASIAIR or tablet settings to ask the previews to be recorded in them!.
I checked also my WIFi settings, using either the nativ ASIAIR WIFI or a router connected to the RJ45 slot. No change.,
No log file at this time. I can try next time, but Iam not sure this could be usefull in my case.
So any advice or suggestion will be welcome so I could use my set up again!
I hope that I won't have to get a new ASIAIR..., I like it! (tried once NINA and never succed to set it up runing...)