(I posted this a couple days ago through the feature request interface, but it hasn't shown up.)
Specifically, my tired old eyes would love to change the tiny green status text in the bottom right corner to white or yellow text a couple points larger. A lot of people doing astrophotography are older / retired, and would probably appreciate this option.
I'm talking about the thing that says "shooting", "dithering", "Settling", etc.
It's Green, and on the background of a dark space image, even adjusted with histogram, it's hard to read. Especially when using a filter which makes the whole view look a bit green too.
I asked elsewhere and someone said "wear your glasses" and "change the view size on your device" but I don't want to make the whole thing bigger, just the font.
And wearing glasses would have me needing to take them on and off all night to see scope / sky / then the tablet. And I don't want to change the view of everything on my tablet, just that tiny text.
Thank you.