Dear All, I already wrote an official mail to ZWO but I'm posting here my issue for shared documentation, hope that it will help other people experiencing the same issue.
I recently bought a brand new ASI2600MC pro camera and I already tried some night shots successfully. The camera runs smoothly however, in some infrequent occasions, I'm experiencing a weird image pattern (attached the overall frame and detail) right after the startup of the camera and I have to power cycle to come back to normal operation. If the camera works well after the initial connection with the PC (and first image), it continues to operate well for the full session without any issues.
I notice that this is more frequent if I connect the camera to the USB before the external DC adapter.
Just for your info, I'm using an high quality 12V 5A regulator. I also tried a second one but I was able to reproduce the problem at the same way.
If this issue happens, I have no other options than disconnecting the DC adapter and reconnect it again, otherwise the problem does not solve, even if I just disconnect/reconnect the USB only.
I'm an electronic engineer and form my experience I suspect that this is related to the logic reset sequence in some way. Probably it is the reset sequence of the FPGA itself which messes up with CMOS frame synchronisation, but this is just speculation.
I hope that ZWO can solve it with a firmware upgrade. My own firmware version is 50 and FPGA ver:
How should I behave in this case? Honestly I would like to avoid a replacement of the piece since it will cost me a lot of time. However, I will go in that way if there are not other available options.