Another reason this loading position is something that probably will not ever get done is simple.
Most people who use a park position are people who leave their scopes permanently attached in an observatory or sometimes want to perform a balance check. This park setup has followed the rough and close balancing routine in home position when you put the scope on, rough balance Dec and balance Ra. This creates a near zero load scenario on the worm gears on Gem mounts so parking or checking absolute balance after will not add much load onto the gear teeth. If you removed the scope in a park position that is horizontal or tried to mount a scope that is not balaced with a counterweight to zero load, it would not be good for the RA worm gears due to the counterweight applying load. That is for Gem mounts. Now, Zwo would have to create a separate feature just for their harmonic mounts as they suffer much less with offset load issues on the gear splines but that adds another layer of complexity which deviates away from their 1,2,3 easy plan.
Even now, too me, it is too overly simple in the fact that it treats both Gems and SWGs with the same set of default settings for guiding and trying to get them to change that has been quite an ongoing undertaking.
I have talked a lot with ZWO and they say they intend to keep it very simple….