It would have helped if I had mentioned that the setting was in the advanced settings!

    blang68 are you sure you are not using the 2600 Duo? I am doing the latest TestFlight Beta testing and it is not in mine for the 2600 Pro. Maybe they are shipping the 2600 pros with new firmware built in….. as it is weird not to show up in Beta Testing on mine.

    Has to be new firmware as I actually received a very good USB 3 cable with the camera!

      blang68 I am testing the latest firmware…. Post a pic of the page on yours that shows the camera info and version please.

      blang68 maybe they started using up some of the Duo boards on some pros minus the guide sensor. For that feature to work with a pro, the camera would need to be recognized as a duo. The only purpose zwo added the half speed fan function was to reduce vibration that may affect the guide sensor ability to have good stars. There was issues and it was added. I just like the ability for the fan to not stop and start in cold weather by using less peltier cooling.

      blang68 that is bizarre! I hope they have the option in the final asiair release after the beta is complete! It would be a nice option that I have asked for. Maybe they changed a few chips on the latest pro cameras as I stated, as the previous pro cameras do not have that option!
      Cool! I am going to ask ZWO why this is?


        why is the new Sony A9, A1 included and not the A7RV?

        can you please support me. Asiair only finds my Asi Guiding Camera and the Skywatcher mount but not
        the Sony A7RV.

        LG Carsten

        what I really not understand, is the Sony camera Support. The new A9 will be supported and the A7RV not.

          I have a canon m50 mark ii. And this added support is really awesome. Though, I have only had it for less than 24 hours, I have tried it out. It operates the camera just fine as far as taking a photo. My question is if live view is supported? I can select live view but I have the generic asiair back ground. Am I missing a setting to facilitate the live view function or is it that feature not yet supported? In the future I do intend on getting a dedicated astro camera, once I settle on qhat feature and functions I want for what I do.

            6 days later

            Kevin_A I just tested with beta 2.1.2/10.99 (77) on my new 2600mm Pro and there was the half speed setting on the fan. But on my old 2600mc Pro it wasn't. Guessing it's either a later control board in the new camera, or just later software. If it is the control board, it is probably not possible to introduce the function without changing the board.

            rh1987 As far as I know, ASIAIR does not support camera LiveView on DSLR. Live (LiveStacking) in ASIAIR is not the same as LiveView in the camera. ASIAIR Live adds each sub to a stack after it is taken. In this way, you see your image improve after each sub.

            Dear ZWO,

            When will the final (non-beta) release of 2.1.2 happen?

            Thank you,
            Jerry Gerber

              I just installled the beta 2 days ago. I have a 2600 MC Pro camera. I use Siril to stack images. They seem to stack OK.
              But, they will not stretch correctly. My investigation found that all the image "off sets" have been shrunk to 43 ADUs per the histrogram!. The image width is so narrow it will NOT show enough width to adjust using hyperbolic stretch. And they never become linear to save!
              How you understand what I see? I have switched back to 2.1 1074 and will re-image tonight and see if issue goes away.
              Chuck Willford

                jsg Thank you for your support, won't be too long.

                Thanks, Corsair
                I did swith back to 2.1.1 and 1074fw. And something similar happened. Not enough stars. Is it possible that from my Bortle 7 skies and street light pollution that there were very high clouds that were hard to see; the captured images were just TOO FAINT for the software to NOT function correctly?? Not had that issue before? Siril was the only one that could stack the 30 images..