SFj9LuNr You need to separate the telescope - 8" SCT and the mount - AVX Mount - as two separate things.
I have a C8 SCT (a Celestron 8" SCT) with an f/6.3 Reducer and an ASI294MC Pro camera on a HEQ5 Pro mount and use it with an ASIAIR Plus (32GB Model - RPi based) for unguided EAA and it works well.
There are others than have managed to have it plate solve and work well even without the reducer. I haven't attempted that yet but I plan on doing so at some point (for the most part I've been happy with always using the reducer).
Whatever target you choose you need to make sure it is in your visible sky. I find Stellarium or Telescopius good for that.
For Planetary: generally you can't plate solve a planet. So the ASIAIR will send my mount (hence telescope) to where it thinks Jupiter is (for example) but when it comes to plate solving etc it won't succeed. That's fine. Just cancel it then go into Video Mode. Adjust resolution, exposure, etc. If you need to manually slew to centre the planet then do so (for an AVX mount that involves using the hand controller - I think). You then record a Video for around 1 minute or so. You can then use the ASIAIR's planetary stacking function (under the Files menu) to stack the video OR transfer the video to a computer and stack with whatever stacking software you choose. This is called Lucky Imaging.
The thing I have learned is to make sure I properly set up and level my tripod (N mark pointing either True North or True South depending on hemisphere - NOT magnetic north/south); properly set up and balance my entire rig (i.e. telescope, camera, etc); put mount in correct physical Home position; then turn on ASIAIR -> connect with app -> go past initial settings -> turn on camera power and enable camera and cooling -> now power on mount -> enable mount in mount settings of ASIAIR App.
This makes sure the ASIAIR has the Home position set correctly.
Once I do that I do the following:
Good enough focus > Main Camera settings focal length to 0 > Preview Mode exposure and plate solve to set focal length > complete Polar Alignment routine > Mount to Home > Sync Mount > Go To bright star > Refine focus > Mount to Home > Go To target.
I also make sure I always return mount to Home position before going to the next target.
Now your workflow will be different because you are using an AVX Mount which requires a different set up procedure in order to work with the ASIAIR.
Three things:
In Facebook groups you can search. Use it in this group to search for the term "avx" and filter the results by "most recent". Search in the following Facebook groups:
ASIAIR PRO/PLUS/MINI USERS GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1892753927536546
ASIAIR PLUS/MINI USERS GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/539679973953752
ZWO ASIAIR https://www.facebook.com/groups/ASIAIR
Also, if you just do a search of Facebook in general, you would also come across this post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1892753927536546/permalink/2263115343833734/
There's also this post by TJ Connolly: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ASIAIR/permalink/1709252165904666/
Now this outlines a different way of getting it working compared to the method outlined by AstroBlender in their video here: https://youtu.be/8l4fiu4MTbk
- Google is your friend: https://www.google.com/search?q=asiair+celestron+avx&oq=asiair+avx
There are plenty of people who use the Celestron AVX Mount - both previous generation and current generation (the current generation have a different chipset), with different firmware.
The key here is to watch the different videos and read the different ways people have managed to get it to work for them. Then use that information to work out the workflow that works for you.