Last night I got the most mount disconnection errors. This time I got them even when trying to calibrate the guiding.
I live in a motorhome and travel full time. Every couple of weeks or every month we move. So I'm setting up my astro rig every night from scratch. In our current new location (arrived yesterday), due to trees, I had to set up further away than the last place we were located, when I opened this thread. I estimated I'm probably 50ft to 60ft away from where I sit inside the motorhome at the dinette table. The rig was at the back of the motorhome The previous location I estimate I was thirty feet away and was located outside the dinette window. If I'm sitting next the telescope I don't remember getting the disconnects. I come inside once the image sequence starts to get out of the cold. If I have to sit outside the whole time I might as well have a direct connection to the equipment. But I don't have a Windows laptop. That was the appeal of the ASIAir.
I might be able to get the rig closer but then I would have to try ASiAir's All Sky Polar Alignment. I may try that tonight. I've got a clear shot at southeast and southern sky.
When I get the mount disconnect error, nothing else seems affected except guiding. If you are in the middle of imagine taking either Outrun or Live, ASiAir doesn't halt those features. If this problem is due to Wifi reception I don't see a Wifi reception error generated by the ASIAIr App. On occasion in previous sessions I have seen a "reconnecting" when moving around inside so I usually just leave the iPad on the table close to the window.
I have read the ASIAir Pro, which didn't have an antenna, the Wifi was terrible. Not sure why ZWO let that model out their doors. That should've been a priority one bug. What is the specification for the ASIAir Plus 256? How many feet?
I figure if the ASIAir App itself is not reporting reconnections then why should the mount disconnect?
However, I never had mount disconnects when imaging without guiding. AVX tracking and short <20 sec images, I ran those at one hour in Live. With guiding there is constant interaction with the mount. When slewing with the ASIAIR App. I've never seen a mount disconnection error when the mount is slew to a Go To target, whether inside or outside.
I'm going to research 3rd party antennas to see if that my help.
I have a shorter USB mini cable, 3ft. I'll see if that changes anything. I doubt it will.
I tried station mode last night. I have Starlink and the router supports 2.4 also so I had set it up a few weeks ago. I have the ASIAir set up to join the 2.4 network automatically. ASIAir is on 2.4. I set my iPad to the 2.4 network, i.e. I don't select the ASIAir like I do when its running in normal Wifi at 5g. I select my 2.4 network on the iPad. Open the the ASIAir App and I'm in. I still got mount disconnect issues.
I've tried pulling the cable from the hand controller to see if it generates a mount disconnect. It doesn't. From Preview all the mount icon at the top is still showing enabled. You select it, the half page is blank. Back to Preview. Connect the cable. Select the mount icon at the top. All the mount parameters are shown. The mount is slide is green. The ASiAir has no clue if the cable is disconnected.
I tried this last night before packing up. Start slewing the scope in RA or DEC and hold down for a long slew. Disconnect the cable. The slewing continues and doesn't stop. You have to press the handset direction RA if its slewing that way or DEC if its slewing that way, otherwise you will hit limits or worse case the tripod.
I just wish ZWO engineer would list all the conditions that cause that error message to appear then I could check off the list one by one.
Plan B is to buy a miniPC and load it with CPWI, SharpCap, PHD2 then NINA. I'll have to make sure about the wifi range on the miniPC.
Thanks for any help.