I'm just starting out with the highly recommended ASIair plus AM5 combination and have set up the mount, installed ASIair and now have it running but have a few basic but important operating questions before attempting first light:
- How can I polar align when I'm unable to see the north sky / polaris?
- After imaging, how should I return the mount to home using ASIair? I presume once PA has been created home is definded as in line with PA position.
- I've used ASIair to cool down the camera (ASI294MM Pro) OK but when finished is there a way to progressively warm up the camera sensor to ambiant temperature so as to avoid any thermal shock?
- I see I can set camera Gain in ASIair but where do I set the required Offset value?
Briefly looked at calibration imaging and would liek to know:
- How do I obtain correct exposure times for various filters using a light panel - with my current image capture software it runs a program that looks at the said exposures for the light panel with given a ADU value, which for my camera is 32,000?
- Using ASIair Darks and Flats look OK but how do I take flat darks?
Many thanks, Graham