Last night I set my Auto Run to capture 20 x Ha, 50 x Oiii and 50 x S2, for the sake of this question exposure time doesn't matter. No dither. Set to Auto Focus for change of Filter.
20 x Ha completed and then Auto Run changed to Oiii, Re Focused and commenced with the run of Oiii Exposures, at around 1am clouds rolled in. Obviously, the Oiii continued to its end of 50 exposures. I had no S2 shots, I would logically think that as it was unable to Re Focus the target, it did not commence the S2 exposure run. However, the mount continued to track the target. Now here is my question. I went out at 5:50am and the scope was pointing to the horizon. Would the ASI Air have returned to Home position or continued to track the target below the horizon if the Auto Run sequence did not complete the S2 run? I manually sent it back and did not let it continue. Or, would ASI Air recognise the target had set at 6:10am if I had let it run? Or, would it have continued to track the target below the Horizon and potentially damaged the mount?