Dear ZWO Team,

I know that has been discussed before but please read my request carefully.

I work for a Major Telescope Company in Germany, the request has been brought to us a numerous of times:

Having two scopes on one mount to achieve more integration time in one session especially on the field is a major request. The problem is, that two ASIAIR computers can't sync themselves when it comes to Dithering.

Could you consider implementing this feature? It would be great to connect two ASIAIR computers via for example USB-C. One ASIAIR is the "master", controlling the mount. The second ASIAIR is the slave controlling only the second scope. When the master stops imaging for dithering a signal is sent to the second ASIAIR to stop imaging as well.

This will be a huge advantage and is widely requested amongst ASIAIR users.

I hope you will take this into consideration.

With the best regards.

Ruediger Klugmann (AstroBavaria)

I cannot upvote this highly enough. So many of us really want this feature. Even better would be two cameras, with slaved dither control, on a SINGLE asiair.

I've had this same problem wanting to setup 2 mono rigs on the same mount. I tried this with 2 ASIAirs but gave up and switched to NINA instead. I think ZWO is targeting the ASIAir to beginners and intermediate users who would not use this type of setup.

Dear ZWO Team,
thank you for your reply. Could you give us a rough timeframe for the term "future"?

Your support is highly appreciated.

Best regards

    8 days later

    I really want this too! There are many of us that would, even if we’ve not expressed it out loud, just given up on ASIair and used NINA sync dither instead.
    Hopefully future is soon - it’s not complicated to implement.

      21 days later


      "Future" for them means 30-60 days, ad nauseum, forever into the future. Seriously though, this feature has been requested for years now, nothing has changed.

      Clarky2 Sorry, do not hava an estimated date yet, does not in recent version of the iteration plan

      20 days later

      Any update on this? Just got a second asiair, and i need them to speak to each other for dithering.😞

      2 months later

      [unknown] Hello everyone, I'm Simone Curzi from Italy, your happy customer, and spokesperson for many other zwo customers, you also published my story on your website and your social channels. I join the request of many to have a mode that allows you to synchronize 2 Asiair for ditering management or to control two acquisition cameras with one. it could be an opportunity for you to make many customers happy and probably sell more units. clear skies everyone!

      As I understand it the way NINA does this is that dithering is paused until both cameras stop imaging. That would seem to lead to extremely long imaging sessions and wasted time if both cameras are not using the same exposure and are not roughly synchronized to start with. How about just adding a second slave imaging camera to the same ASIAIR that matches the same exposure and dithering schedule as the main camera? The slave camera and scope would give up focus and filter wheel control but this seems simpler to implement.

      I cannot ask for this more!
      I have a triple setup and need it for sync dithering in all 3 asiairs!

      There is a market for this!

      This function allows you to sell more ASIAIRs, as more can be used! I would hurry up with the implementation!

      Thank you very much for your guys support.
      We has noted this demand, and our ASIAIR team are also considering of this feature, but considering of its complexity and also need to compatible with exsiting feature, may not be determined soon.
      I will pay attention on this, and will get back to you if there is any news.

      Thank you for your support again.

      Clear Skies.

        a month later
        a month later

        They said, that they took the dithering topic into consideration. But it seems to be too complex so it will not come anytime soon.

        "....CAA is on the to-do list and will be released this year.
        For the dithering sync between two ASIAIR Plus, actually we have considered this, due to its complexity and also need to compatible with exsiting feature, may not be determined soon. ..."

        a month later


        When ? Are you admitting that NINA developers are better than yours. You can control multiple cameras in NINA, why is it so hard to implement in the ASIAIR ? I already own 3 ASIAIR but if we can’t have this feature I don’t see the point in buying the next ASIAIR PLUS PRO MAX IV .

        15 days later

        I have had to switch to NINA to control my side by side mount and use their synchronized dithering feature. This is a market lost to ZWO as the side by side OTA use continues to grow with AP folks. This needs to be seriously addressed as a firmware upgrade to the ASIAIR.