Last week I purchased Zwo setup - AM5 mount, ASI2600 duo camera, EAF focuser, and ASIAIR Plus controller. The telescope is 420mm focal length Sharpstar f/2.8 HNT.
Using an Android cell phone with ASIAIR 2.1 app I managed to focus, test both cameras, and polar align the setup. Guiding so far has been a disaster - the application says it is guiding, but actually the stars in the guiding camera drift as if there is no guiding at all. This does not seem to be a hardware problem, as the application managed to do polar alignment - the mount moves fine, imaging works, plate solving works. Changing any settings does not help.
I tried few different versions of the Android app, with the following results:
- v1.9.1 does not recognize any of the ASI2600 Duo camera
- v2.0 recognizes the guiding camera, but not the main camera, and does not guide
- v2.1 (firmware 10.74) recognizes both cameras, but does not guide
- Beta 2.1.2_0202 app (with 10.99 ASIAIR+ firmware) - recognizes both cameras, has additional settings around guiding, but does not guide
Next days I am moving to NINA and PHD2. The idea of a portable setup controlled through a cell phone was appealing, but it already wasted couple of nights.
Has anyone resolved a similar issue?