Here are some tests; clouds cleared at sunset, although rains are back tomorrow evening.
I placed Alioth (M+1.75) at a corner of an APS-C frame (ASI6200MC using the APS-C ROI) and refocused (I still need to tune the backfocus, so I am refocusing the corner -- the ASIAIR "autofocus" can't handle this kind of focusing :-).

BTW, the 3-D printed Bahtinov I used really sucks. Notice the broad and wiggly central diffraction spikes near the star. I am going to try mounting my glass SharpStar Bahtinov mask on the Rokinon's lens hood (no, not the Chinese Sharpstar, but a US company called Lonely Speck).
For the FSQ-85, I had mounted the SharpStar (looks like a 100mm x 100mm square filter that professional photographers use) to a Thousand Oaks aluminum cell, with the polymer filter material removed (:-), plus a number of step-up and step-down camera rings.

Anyhow... a 52mm Tiffen (47mm clear aperture, or about f/2.9 135mm lens) gives the following 5 seconds exposure (way saturated) for Alioth at the bottom left corner (Magnitude +1.76, so just a little brighter than Alnitak for Horsehead. At f/2.8, Horsehead probably can take 30 second exposures with gain 100.

A 55mm Tiffen (f/2.7 at 135mm) will be better, in terms of the notched diffraction pattern. 55mm will probably be what I will use the Rokinon at for APS-C cameras (since it is basically a 50mm astrograph).
It looks from the above like the other lens aberrations are already greater than the notch. The lens is still not shabby though, at f/2.9. I can live with it. Better than the other 50mm to 180mm lenses/OTA that I have tried, so I am pretty happy (irrespective to the price of the Rokinon). Now that I am hooked on 135mm, I may take a look at Zeiss' Milvus 135/2.0 one day, ha ha.
Here is the above zoomed (you can judge the zoom factor from the red target circle). See the two aperture vignetting notches? But the star itself is no longer round from other lens aberrations anyway (even though I focused on it). Other dimmer stars look fine, even under this magnification (why I am happy enough with this lens; even Sigma ARTs don't come close to this kind of performance at the corners of an APS-C frame). The notches is very low level, and requres very saturated stars with a large point spread function skirt.

Stars nearer the center won't be apearture vignetted, of course.