I have only been able to find one other person who is using a LX200 Classic w/ an ASIAir directly connected to their LX200 Classic mount. They are also having the same issue as me. Whenever the LX200 Classic Mount driver is used/selected, the GoTo slews to the position, though the ASIAir disconnects the mount. However when I try the ASIAir using the LX200 Basic driver, I am able to use GoTo w/o any crashes, though using the Basic driver means I am really just using it for visual as many of the other features are disabled, i.e. polar alignment & tracking. Looking on forums, FB groups, and reddit, I can confirm two people had it working in 2022 and one of those had the same firmware version as me (3.34L). The person who has the same FW as me, also quit using his LX200 in 2022 and after repeated attempts to contact him, I got no response. The other person who had it working posted in this forum and in Spanish on May 2023 that after he upgraded to version 2.1, he was getting crashing issues, when he used GoTo. So it looks like ZWO introduced a regression bug to their ASIAir that might have come in version 2.1. I have tested my mount via the Indi LX200 Classic driver on my AstroBerry and I can use GoTo w/o any issue. Note, there are a few people who use a Windows PC directly connected to the ASIAir and using the ASCOM driver, though I think this defeats the purpose of the ASIAir.
On the Cloudy Night's forum I have been trying to see if I can resolve this issue with using a FTDI board, Arduino, and a Max232 chip. Note, not to add confusion, though in this post we are also trying to add the functionality of guiding w/o having to switch to the OnCam ST-4, which was done by Jetty in 2022 using similar hardware and an optocoupler that sends pulses to the CCD port. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/921037-asiair-lx200-classic-asiadpater-open-source-project/?p=13438192
Using a logic analyzer, in between the LX200 and the ASIAir, we are able to see that the LX200 Classic driver differs in it's implementation of GoTo by sending the "😃#" command, which is a work around in Indi to get if the telescope is still slewing or not. Something type of error condition on the ASIAir side appears to making the ASIAir panic and disconnect the mount. I have opened a ticket BT20240506897672A.
I have an AM5 that I use for my refractor and I was planning on getting a 2nd ASIAir, so I don't have to keep swapping things around, I will buy a 2nd one, once this bug has been resolved. It is amazing how this is stupid easy compared to the Astroberry, so I would love to have it working on my LX200 as well.