The other night, took my new camera out for it's first light and after a little while with focus and locating my target, I started taking lights which looked great on the NINA Image screen. So I proceeded to continue on with more light frames. Then wanted to test it on another target, North American Nebula and to some light frames, again looking great on the Image screen. Transferred the images to my home PC, using Remote connection and also tried copying to a flash drive and opened them up in Pixnsight, not what I was expecting but looks like the images are missing color bands as the are all grey and when you zoom in or out, the vertical bands come and go. I posted a screen shot of what it looks like when I open it in Pixndight and use the screen transfer option to look at it. I tried to post the raw file here but it's too large to send, even if I save it as a JPEG it's too big.
I found that I was using the same data cable I used for my ASI1600mm pro and ASI533mm pro, so I have since changed it to the supplied Red cable from ZWO and as for my power source, I was using the power from my AM5 mount, 110v not a battery. I have since ordered a power supply to be used solely for the camera. Hope that between the two it might help?