SVI my previous post was not ment to "take over" your post.
There are big differences between android/ios devices regarding development.
So my advice after an app and/or firmware upgrade if something doesn't work as you expect is to first make sure that the app is completely closed.
Both ios/android run the app in the background even if you close them. If you are not sure how to completely close apps power off the device for a min. Then you know that no apps should be running.
After that I would start the seestar app and connect to the s50. If you still miss function in the app or it doesn't work then I would un-install and power off the ios/android device.
After powering up install the app again. If it now doesn't work you should if possible report back to zwo or ask for help here in the forum.
And information about ios/android version is always good to know. Using the report a bug function from the app if possible as this sends lots of information to the developer making it easier to solve /help.