PMTeam@ZWO If you wish to stop receiving marketing emails, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of those emails.
You were already told that the link which you mentioned does not appear on email readers that rejects spam mail. Your site has already been blackballed by the larger ISPs. Because of that, people who run good email readers will not see that link because it refers to a ZWO domain.
But that is not the point. The point is, my email address is not your property. It is my property, and you are violating laws in many western countries by spamming people without their permission.
Read this again: it is not our responsibility to opt out of your junk mail. It is your responsibility not to send any junk mail in the first place, unless people have opt'ed in.
Read one more time: it is not our responsibility to opt out of your junk mail. It is your responsibility not to send any junk mail unless people have opt'ed in.
Get it? You guys are pathetic crooks.