Hi all.
I have a pair of ASI2600 cameras, an MC Pro and an MM Pro. I purchased the MC Pro first before the MM version was released. One of my reasons for buying was that I expected the 16 bit conversion to allow for longer exposure times before stars would begin to saturate to white, and that was proven correct in practice.
In my imaging workflow, I use gain 100 only on the mono camera and then only when shooting narrowband filters, the rest of the time I have used gain 0 for both cameras as the lowest available gain, to maximise full well capacity as I have fairly dark skies and can use longer exposures before the background becomes objectionable.
Now that extra gain settings have been enabled, is a ZWO tech able to advise what the closest gain is to true "Unity" of 1e/ADU? Is that -25? I have shot a new master dark library at gain -25 but I have not yet been able to test the results due to weather, if a different gain is true unity or closer to it than -25 I will re-shoot darks while the weather is poor.
Am I correct to assume the reason for the extra gain settings being a negative value was to preserve the original gain settings rather than invalidate dark and bias frames shot before? All the original settings remain the same and the range has been extended into negative numbers?