howzball The folder still shows up under Finder on OSX but you can't access anything...
Works fine here under Sonoma 14.6.1 running on an M1 Mac Studio, and ASIAIR running 2.2(11.24). I had no problem though the v2 beta releases, either.
I just confirmed by mounting the ASIAIR Samba server (ASIAIR outdoors, connected to the home eero network through Ethernet) using the macos Go menu. Logged in as Guest, and I successfully drag-copied a file from the ASIAIR Udisk Images volume to my macos Desktop. I have been copying lots of files in the past two weeks without any problem.
If you can mount the ASIAIR volume on the macos Desktop (it seems that you can), single click on the icon of the volume and do a Command-I (get info). In the small info window, scroll all the way to the bottom and look for the Sharing and Permissions group. Do you have Read & Write privilege?
I would have noticed any problem during Beta, since the ASIAIR is locked up with a SSD drive inside an ABS box outdoors, and accessing any USB stick would have been a royal pain.
Perhaps it is an issue between the router and ASIAIR since it also affects a Windows machine?