I am actively using this camera since May and did not have any major problems. However, recently I recognized the deterioration in the quality of photos - halos around big stars started to appear, which I did not have before. First I thought that this is related to new filters, which I recently installed, but, comparing old and new photos, made with the same filters and a difference of few weeks, I see a major difference.
Now I am excluding different factors, which may have impacted the quality of photos:
1) Filters can't be the issue, since with same filters the quality is different
2) Imaging settings can't be the issue - I am using the same exposure time / gain / etc. as before
3) Issues in the optical train can't be the issue, since nothing changed there
Here are some test photos:
1) M16 - Before the "issue" (OIII)
2) M16 - After the issue. You can see that weird halo appeared around the brightest star (OIII)
Here is the close-up of the same
3) Crescent - before (OIII)
4) Crescent - after (OIII)
I am seriously thinking if camera matrix started suddenly dying, but any other opinion or idea, how to check this is very welcome.
FYI - My rig is located in remote observatory, so I am a bit limited in number of things, I can physically do with the scope, but a week ago technician from observatory checked the whole optical train (re-assembling) and found nothing suspicious.